Population growth, industry and irrigation, combined with the effect of climate change, are all increasing the demand for water. Water resource management encompasses a wide range of disciplines and expertise, including integrated water resources management, assessments of the demand and consumption of water for drinking and irrigation purposes, applied hydrology, simulation and modelling of the hydrologic cycle, legislation, river basin management institutional and capacity building and water resources protection.
Poly Product has extensive experience in water resource management and an impressive portfolio of projects for national and international organizations, governmental institutions, municipalities and water supply companies. Our engineers, hydrologists, geologists, chemists, sociologists and agronomists provide our customers with up-to-date knowledge and hands-on experience in the implementation of water resources management to improve and safeguard our water for the future.


The key challenges of contemporary water management can only be understood within the very broad context of the world’s socioeconomic systems. It is widely accepted that sustainable and equitable water management must be undertaken using an integrated approach, that assessment of the resource is the basis for rational decision-making, and that national capacities to undertake such assessments must be further supported and expanded from local to international levels.
Our integrated approach to water resources ensures that the management, development and utilization of water resources take socioeconomic environmental, sustainability, multi-sectoral water demands, meaningful stakeholder participation and technical factors into account.


The safe handling of wastewater is essential to public health. Efficient and innovative design of wastewater systems is also a basis for sustainable development.
We help our customers choose the optimal financial and most energy efficient solutions within the areas of:

Wastewater management

Strategic planning

Drainage systems

Wastewater treatment

Operation and maintenance

Poly Product has many years of experience with all types of wastewater consulting services and the design of wastewater collection systems all over the world.


Current legislation defines requirements for new municipal wastewater plans. Our experience in developing wastewater plans helps us transform the requirements made in the EU Water Framework Directive into practical solutions. Our customers benefit from our knowledge and experience when we assist them in the creation of water and action plans.
Poly Product experienced specialists in wastewater planning work closely with local governments and regularly involve politicians and administrative personnel. We apply the most recent Geographic Information System (GIS) tools in our work and supply our customers with customized digital wastewater plans.


Rainfalls of unusual intensity are occurring more and more frequently around the world, and are likely to continue to increase in frequency. As the effects of climate change become apparent, climate adaptation work is being taken more seriously.
We help our customers quantify the financial consequences of climate change and find new solutions in response. We use dedicated computer modelling software for modelling ground flooding to give our customers an overview of the consequences of heavy rain in the coming years.


Ensuring the quality of water requires constant focus on wastewater discharge and well functioning wastewater treatment plants. Our key expertise covers process design, layout and detailed design within biological, chemical and physical wastewater treatment plant process design. We can help you with both new facilities and with plant modernization, in areas such as tertiary treatment, sludge treatment, anaerobic digestion and sustainable sludge disposal.
Our mission is to follow each project through all stages, from conceptual ideas and analysis, through process dimensioning and conceptual design, detailed design and tendering to construction and commissioning of the plant. Our preferred role is to act as lead consultant, where we take responsibility for process design and mechanical engineering and can use our resources within other technical disciplines such as civil, structures, HVAC, electrical engineering and automation.


Poly Product is among the forerunners within sludge and organic waste treatment, offering expertise within organic waste and sludge treatment, how to use organic matter to produce biogas and thus reduce climate gas emissions, how to reduce odour and pollution in the matter. By combining competence within our waste water, energy and polluted soil and ground water services we provide a complete solution for our customers.


Many sewage systems are outdated and in need of significant investment to modernize and improve their efficiency. Through detailed planning, it will be possible to optimize such investment. We provide our customers with a comprehensive overview of their sewage system and help them plan future cost-effective renovation projects. Because of our many years of experience in the design of pipelines, basins, canals, drains, pumping stations and overflows, we can guarantee our customers will gain access to a high degree of professionalism and expertise.

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