Drinking water is one of society’s most basic needs. We can only guarantee safe drinking water if we carry out long-term planning and raise consumer awareness and priorities the issue.
We provide water utilities and authorities with consulting services that ensure safe drinking water for both this and future generations. The distribution of water from source, to waterworks, to consumer can be complicated and challenging. Our specialists provide consultancy advice that covers the entire distribution process from technical to administrative.
Our technical services include:

Strategic planning

Planning, establishing and monitoring water recovery in new and existing wells

Estimating the condition of borings, water pipes and waterworks

Providing consultancy advice on operation and maintenance works

Recording and modeling supply pipelines

Planning renovation

Securing water utilities

Dimensioning, designing, tendering and monitoring new utilities

Renovating supply pipes and waterworks

Desalination of sea and brackish water

Industrial water, including the use of reclaimed water

Water treatment processes, including bacteriological issues

Technical monitoring of waterworks


We provide the following services:

Environmental and energy management of water utilities

Company formation and development of utility cooperation

Action plans according to the Environmental Target Plan (from the EU Water Framework Directive)

Water supply plans, action plans and contingency plans

Water supply management plansn

Benchmarking and process benchmarking

Value assessment of utility asset

Our mission is to follow each project through all stages, from conceptual ideas and analysis, through process dimensioning and conceptual design, detailed design and tendering to construction and commissioning of each facility.
Each project is unique, and Poly Product can draw in experts from a range of different areas, including hydrology, contaminated land, mechanical engineering, construction, law, finance and health and safety. Our wide range of specialist skills and our innovative generalist’s enable us take a holistic approach and find sustainable solutions.

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