Roads and motorways are essential to ensure mobility of people and goods, and new road infrastructure is needed on an ongoing basis. More importantly, existing roads need refurbishment or upgrading. By using technology, such as Intelligent Transport System (ITS), it is possible to postpone major new investments in a safe and responsible way.
Poly Product offers a wide range of services within the area of road and motorway engineering – ranging from strategic assessments and analyses to detailed construction and as-built documents. We also have extensive experience in all the different phases and do everything from concept development to operations and asset management.

Modern society depends on a well-functioning traffic and transportation system. To improve the quality of roads and motorways, Poly Product transportation and traffic engineers offer expert advice on the planning and design of them, as well as advanced support and asset management.

For decades, we have worked on projects for public authorities and contractors, so we understand budget and time constraints, and we know how to handle the political interest associated with these types of projects.

Multidisciplinary services Over the past decades, road and motorway consultancy has become more multidisciplinary, and the breadth of Poly Product services reflects this development.In addition to the traditional services outlined in road consultancy and design, we also offer a number of other related and integrated services:

Environmental evaluation

Geotechnical and geological investigations and foundation of bridges

Architectural design

Hydraulic analysis

Traffic studies

Transport economic studies

Risk analysis

Integration with squares and roads

Railway technique

Construction management

Design of hydraulic and mechanical systems for moveable bridges

Solutions for city streets and squares

Our road and motorway team also plans and designs city streets and squares. They focus on traffic safety and the creation of a good environment for different types of traffic, including pedestrians, cyclists and vehicles.

One very important aspect of street and square projects – and one that typically represents a bit of a challenge – is the selection of visually appealing and durable pavement materials. Over the years, we have come up with many excellent pavement solutions, often utilizing natural stones to ensure both longevity and sustainability.

Motorways and main roads

Poly Product has regular detailed design services for motorways and main roads, we also offer specialized services – for instance, to widen existing motorway sections through open land or highly complex town sections. We know how to navigate the challenges posed by limited space, noise, and existing structures.

We also have the in-house capability to undertake geometric and pavement design for all types of road networks (including local roads, collector roads, arterials and expressways), and we use state-of-the-art design software.

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