The need for smart sustainable urban solutions has never been greater than it is today. Poly Product master planning services focus on developing healthy, safe places in which people can thrive, communities can evolve, and the environment can flourish.


Coordination and understanding of a wide range of disciplines is critical to successful master planning, which is why our ability to integrate our areas of expertise is crucial to our success.
We help customers realize their development potential, particularly when it comes to complex urban concepts. We identify key risks and suggest solutions. We provide the spectrum of knowledge required for the development of all kinds of urban, suburban, former industrial and green field areas. The realities of commercial feasibility remain central to our consultancy.


We have a thorough understanding of all project stages involved from concept to completion — from architectural and infrastructure design, environmental and geotechnical assessment, legislative requirements, sustainable energy, transport planning and socioeconomic implications, to planning strategy, phasing, and delivery.
Depending on the requirements of the project, we bring together the relevant specialists to work with an experienced master planning project manager. The project manager takes responsibility for internal communications and functions as the primary point of contact for the team. Our approach has proved successful when coordinating very specific types of expertise to provide a cohesive and comprehensive service.
Our usage of advanced modelling software and geographic information systems (GIS) supports the analysis of options available and the subsequent communication of results.


We have the ability to carry out any combination of master planning services from our multidisciplinary profile. Our experience includes sustainable master plans for regeneration of city centre areas, hospitals, colleges, airports, ports, golf courses, and luxury resorts – in both national and international settings.
In keeping with our philosophy, our master planning teams encourage the exchange of ideas between all disciplines involved to reach the most streamlined, cost-effective result, enabling us to meet the social, technical, environmental, and financial requirements of any project.


Sustainable development requires a fresh approach to master planning. This is achieved by removing existing preconceptions and managing the design process to combine innovative, practical, and economical drivers for holistic sustainable solutions. From the project inception through design development, we identify and develop key sustainability considerations in an interactive process with customers and design teams.

We deliver solutions based on a clear understanding of core facts, including customer aspirations, site opportunities and constraints, economic thresholds, and the evolution of policies and regulations against the project time table.

Poly Product has over 200 employees working within urban development and master planning. The employees are located in Pakistan, South Africa, Austria, UK and Middle East.

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